activpayroll’s Global Mobility Division is delighted to announce the launch of an additional online functionality within its activ8 technology platform which will help streamline the data gathering and reporting processes for organisations with a Short-Term Business Visitors (STBV) Population.

Leveraging its existing eTime module functionality, its STBV online calendar and reporting solution enables employers to provide access to their business travellers from overseas to log all visits to the UK in real time via a mobile friendly application. With full workflow approval protocols, UK days of presence can be identified, collated and tracked in accordance with HMRC’s Short Term Business Visitors reporting regulations, significantly reducing the manual effort and administration for employers with an internationally mobile employee population.

The new STBV solution enables employers to dispense with the need to spend time reviewing data-heavy travel reports for UK travel information and avoids the manual collation of UK days of presence. All data input into the eTime STBV solution is automatically logged, tracked and reviewed to ensure accurate and timely reporting to HMRC at the end of each UK tax year.

Graham McKechnie, activpayroll’s Global Tax Director commented: “The introduction of our eTime for Short Term Business Visitors functionality through our activ8 platform represents another enhancement to our online employment tax solution and will greatly reduce the administration and effort currently placed on organisations which have business visitors from overseas present in the UK. We are delighted to begin the roll out of this process enhancement to our current customers and look forward to showcasing the solution to prospective customers who have a short-term business visitor solution”.

Please visit the following link to find out more about the Short Term Business Visitors regulations and our eTime for STBV solution or contact our Global Tax Director Graham McKechnie direcly for more information

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